We do not only care about transparency in terms of the single steps in the workflow, but also when it comes to the outsourcing of these tasks to Asia. Especially time-consuming work such as maskings and free-form selection are predestined for outsourcing. With the help of our selected partners, you can save valuable time and money, up to 60% and more.
However, the saving potential isn't the only criterion we place value on when selecting our outsourcing partners. Our partners work with professional processing software that is always up do date. Morever, they can draw on many years of experience in high quality work, that has already convinced numerous Bildschliff clients. As a safe data transmission is of high importance to our clients and us, we count on software solutions with high safety standards that protect all data from unauthorised access.
Especially in textile industries, terms as outsourcing and globalisation are often associated with human rights abuses. Bildschliff is aware of the responsibility that comes along with the process of outsourcing and takes issues like child labour and exploitation very seriously. Our partner in Southeast Asia has a German management ensuring German quality standards as well as working conditions in shifts.
Bildschliff, your contracting party, is based in Germany and is happy to discuss and receive your wishes and ideas in German if you like to.
We believe that our competence, transparency, reachability and our sense of responsibilty makes
Bildschliff the ideal outsourcing partner.